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At Yo Paulie Music, the passion and expertise of founder Paul Croteau lives in every project. With a background in saxophone and keyboard performance and a degree from the renowned music school at North Texas, Paul traveled the world as a freelance musician before shifting his focus to composing in 2015 in his studio in San Antonio, Texas. 

Today, Paul creates music in a variety of genres, including trap, classic jazz trios and quartets, solo piano, tension music, and string quartets. With placements in various categories, YPM has created music heard on nearly 100 unique television series in more than 40 countries. 

The TV music industry is constantly evolving. We are dedicated to providing authentic and usable music that will meet your creative goals, elevate your content and leave a lasting impression on your audience. Visit the Music page to hear recent placements and discover how we can contribute to your musical projects.